Friday, December 21, 2012

One Person's Clutter

I have this pile of clutter that accumulates next to my bed. Mind you, I have an overabundance of empty wardrobe and closet space in my bedroom, and yet this pile accumulates. These are the things that  I seem to need right there, because I seem to use them on a somewhat regular basis. 

I believe you can learn a lot about a person by examining their clutter. So here is a detailed list of this very clutter, sitting on my bedroom floor this very instant:

1. Journal 
2. Parent Award from Sabrina awarded to Neil and I for: kindness, coolness, funniness, protectiveness, sweetness, beauty, quick-wit, awesomeness, amazingness, and spectacularity 
3. A Guide to the new youth curriculum: Come Follow Me 
4. a box of sheet protectors 
5. a binder containing Project Real Life handouts 
6. Book of Mormon student manual 
7. History Book of the Month club catalog 
8. Book: Les Miserables (912 pages into this book) 
9. 6 CDs of archived photos that need to go to Mom 
10. Book: Lincoln's Virtues (47 pages into this book) 
11. Book: Bob Harper: The Skinny Rules (only lightly perused this   book) 
12. Book: Happier At Home (145 pages into this book) 
13. MomAgenda Day Planner from 2012, 
14. Map of Powell's bookstore in Portland 
15. Book: You Staying Young (perused whenever I think I might die young) 
16. Book: Mary Chestnut's Civil War (Read part of the introduction) 
17. invitations to Sabrina's violin recital 
18. printed Amazon confirmations of purchase 
19. Stake YW calendar for 2013 
20. handout on traditions from Relief Society 
21. 3rd Ward YW calendar for October 
22. June & August Ensigns 
23. program from Utah Symphony 
24. another History Book of the Month Club catalog 
25. Project Real Life quote cards 
26. MomAgenda Day planner from 2011 
27. Book: Life is a Verb (137 pages into it) 
28. bag of photographs of Dad growing up (to be scanned and returned to Grandma) 
29. apology letter from Jessica for slippage of grades 
30. one chapter of my personal history 
31. polaroid snapshots of kids taken by Kelcey 
32. Book: Canyon Wilderness of the Southwest (for travel & photography purposes) 
33. Ruby's Inn Campground information 
34. yet another History Book of the Month Club catalog 
35. anniversary card from Neil's parents 
36. Girls Camp feedback form (never filled out)

Now what does that say about me? I threw away two or three of these items after taking this inventory, but just about everything else remained, just in neater piles. After all, these are things I use on a somewhat consistent basis. 

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