Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Beethoven In All Of His Confectionary Splendor

"Then let us all do what is right, strive with all our might toward the unattainable, develop as fully as we can the gifts God has given us, and never stop learning." 
-Ludwig Van Beethoven

Well, the master cake decorator out-did herself this year. I asked her what she wanted on her birthday cake this year, which should have been worded, "So, what are you doing for your birthday cake this year?" She knows that if she wants it done right, she best do it herself. But you know, if she was in the mood for a non-creative, non-artistic cake, I wanted her to know that I was willing and ready.

"I think I would like a Beethoven cake this year." 

All Righty Then. You're on your own. She wasn't completely on her own. I baked the cake, slathered on the base layer, and tinted the frosting for her. Then I just stepped back and let the child work her confectionary magic. She naturally switched on some Beethoven to inspire her while she worked.

I cleaned the house like a madwoman as she worked. Occasionally, exclamations of shear delight would come from the kitchen. I'm not sure if it was the music getting such a rise out of Jessica or the fact that Mr. Beethoven was coming together so nicely. Perhaps it was a little of both. I came in to see the finished product and was quite shocked. She did all of that with a toothpick and a piping bag? This child truly can work with any medium.

I believe the master himself would have been pleased with the likeness. This was a difficult cake to cut into. It broke my heart a little bit to slice into the genius' chin, but we had hungry guests to feed. Thankfully, we captured him on film before everyone began to ingest Beethoven. For some people in the room, it may be the only way they ever take in the master.

But for this young lady, it was only one of a thousand ways she enjoys what she considers the greatest composer who ever lived.

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing. She did a great job. I hope her day was wonderful.
