Thursday, September 18, 2014

Life in Verbs

"This is not the time to be passive. This is the time to shape, sculpt, paint, participate...the time to get sweaty, to get dirty, to fall in love, to forgive, to forget, to hug, to kiss...this is the time to experience, participate and live your life as a verb." -Steve Maraboli

Enjoying not having to help Jonah with his homework in the evening but craving some solitude. It's been four months since I've enjoyed such a thing.

Grimacing at this return to July-like weather.

Wishing that dirt patch which our house sits on would just grow grass already and quit taking over my husband's life. I'm a slightly jealous wife.

Preparing for all sorts of auditions that my middle children are contemplating.

Worrying that Jessica is eating enough amidst the rigorous music major schedule that she is keeping. Hoping there are some nutritious snacks that make it into her mouth in between quartet and orchestra rehearsal.

Calendaring the kids' upcoming concerts. Can't wait. 

Planning for next year's vacation(s). Wanting to spend every dime on travel and zero dimes on yard installation, car repairs, or dental work.

Anticipating symphony season. Thrilled that we bought tickets while we could afford them. Well, we couldn't really afford them, but glad we threw caution to the wind before paying for tuition and a sprinkling system.

Looking forward to seeing Jessica this weekend. Her first trip back home since becoming an official Aggie.

Craving warm soup and rolls just don't want to heat up my kitchen to enjoy such a treat.

Scrapbooking Jessica's senior photos. Sigh.

Dusting the tops of my cabinets. Wait was it my idea to vault the ceilings in this house?

Immersing myself in the scriptures at least once a week. Some solitude may help in this matter.

Getting excited to fill my cup at the Ogden Temple Dedication this week and so excited for General Conference in two weeks. Needing the spiritual boost that only the brethren can provide.

Eating out way too much. Is this a surprise to anyone?

Working out far too little. Once again, tell me something new.

Wanting to read more.

Contemplating getting serious about Family Search.

Overwhelming myself on Family Search then abandoning the project only to get nudged by the Lord to give it another try.

Catching up on laundry. Ugh! It's futile.

Remembering Dad this time of year.

Loving some Girls Nights Out.

Decorating for Halloween.

Living. Loving. Working. Playing. 

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