Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I Am Privileged

"And he spake unto the multitude, and said unto them: Behold your little ones." -3 Nephi 17:23

I have the privilege of being called the family photographer. I use that term loosely, obviously. My photography skills are meager at best, but I have a decent camera, so it is my privilege to take many of the family photos. 

I call it a privilege because I get to look through the lens of my camera to have a small but intimate moment with each of the cousins whom I love so much. You see, the cousins tend to be just a blur to us adults most of the time. They scatter the minute they walk through Mormor's door on a Sunday evening, eager to begin their play. We hear them loud and clear, no doubt about that, but we seldom see them. They make a quick appearance on the nights that Mormor has a treat sitting on the counter waiting to be cut into. And we see their grumpy faces at the end of the night as they beg their parents for just five more minutes of precious playtime. Beyond this, they are happy little blurs running from the basement to the backyard deep in imaginary play.

But on nights like last night, they are forced by their loving moms to be still for a moment so that Aunt Steph can get a photo or two. As I stare into the viewfinder, and they stare back at me, I see them. The mischief and mayhem of Sunday night at Grandma's house disappears, and I see them for who they really are. The sweetest little spirits you ever did see. The light of Christ twinkles in their little eyes, and I am privileged to witness that light first hand.

I see images of their good parents in their faces. 

I can see the passing of time through my lens as the child I'm looking at has changed since the last time I saw him through this very lens. That child is my captive audience for one moment as I talk to him or her one on one. I am able to, in my own silly aunt way, remind them of just how beautiful and special they are. I am amazed at what I see through my lens.

Handsome young men, ready and eager to receive the priesthood.

Cute little boys with chocolate brown eyes and tender hearts that love so completely.

And even littler boys overflowing with spunk and strength. The future world-changers staring at me through my lens.

And then there are little nieces all sweetness and giggles, wrapped up in a cardigan, and topped with a bow. Those little girls that I could take a thousand pictures of and never get bored.

As I'm dying from an overload of cuteness and taking photos in rapid succession, I remind her doting mom and dad whose smiles I can feel behind me, that we will be taking her bridal photos in no time at all. They chuckle nervously because they know that I am speaking in all honesty.

They will pass from cutie patooties to beautiful and poised young men and young women. And they will do it with no warning and no permission from us, their ever watchful parents.

Leslie commented that she should have had her boys wear different shoes. I quickly began my Big Sister Rant, telling her to take that back. I drilled into her that she will be so glad she didn't change one thing. She captured them right here and right now. She doesn't want these photos to look like an Old Navy ad. She wants them to be perfect representations of these children right now. Bless them and their bright colored tennis shoes and cheesy grins. They will not look this way even by year's end. She will be so glad she has these pictures of them just as they are.

It will not be long before these little boys are young men walking valiantly into the mission field.

It will be no time before this little sweetie can no longer be picked up and hugged and kissed like this.

It is a privilege to take these quiet evenings with the ones that I love so much, beholding their little ones through the lens of my camera and standing in awe.

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