"And though she be but little, she is fierce." -Shakespeare
I love this girl! Here are a few reasons why:
She has her own wonderful and unique sense of style. She is confident enough to dress as she likes, and I love it!
She gives compliments freely. On a regular basis she will compliment a complete stranger on his or her clothing or hair style. She makes people smile everywhere she goes.
She can also give you a detailed description of the plot line of every major opera. She listens to opera on Spotify while she writes her novels.
She is currently writing her fifth novel. She had me read a short piece that she had written for her creative writing class the other night. Wow! If this girl keeps it up, she is going to be a remarkable writer. Neil and I are banking on that fact. She's going to become the next J.K. Rowling (She would hate me for saying that. She hates Harry Potter) so that Neil and I can retire and travel the world. She usually spends one to four hours a day writing.
Some Sabrina quotables:
"Mom did you know that a group of pandas is called an 'Embarrassment'? Because you know, one panda is company, two pandas is a crowd, but three pandas is an embarrassment."
She calls Godiva chocolate "Go Diva". Every time we see it in the grocery store, she puts her hands in the air and chants, "Go Diva. Go Diva. Go Diva."
If you want to hear venom spewing from the mouth of this child at extreme decibels force her to abandon her precious novel writing to work on Common Core Math homework. She has no tolerance for it. She feels that math has no place in this world, and it is absolute abuse that she should be forced to deal with numbers when she was born to revel in words. The struggle is real.
Sabrina is obsessed with all things vintage. Let me reiterate that she was born into the wrong century due to some sort of heavenly clerical error. When she isn't noveling, she is on Etsy favoriting vintage hats and books. This is where she chooses to spend her money. She loves classic literature. She used to be a snob and only liked her classic books in hard back. She has now moved from snob to full blown elitist as she will only buy her classic novels vintage. I know. I know. But what can I do? Her latest favorite find was at a local used bookstore where she purchased an 1867 version of Life and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe. I will not tell you how much she paid for the book. My opinion is, she could have spent that much money on a pair of jeans at Hollister. I'd rather she throw her hard earned cash at books.
When she finds some unsuspecting soul on Etsy who is cleaning out Grandma's house and is selling a 1906 Dickens work for a mere $20.00, she laughs a maniacal laugh, then hits "proceed to checkout". She then begins to, as she refers to it, "helicopter parent her package", checking every day to see if it has shipped and even emailing the seller to confirm when they intend to ship and how long they think shipping will take.
While Sabrina's passions and interests are refined, her palate is less so. Aside from the french macaroons which she so adores, her pickiness renders her dinner options limited. The child likes chicken, potatoes, rice, and alfredo pasta. That is basically all she will eat. Give her a big plate of beige, and the girl is in heaven.
When Sabrina isn't writing, she is drawing. Don't try to argue with her over who is the better man, Tesla or Edison. She will win every time.
Above all, Sabrina has a beautiful testimony. She has not missed a night of personal scripture study in years. She decided at a very young age that she wanted her life and values to be based on more than what was trending in her teenage sphere. She made a conscious choice at 13 years old to focus on those things of eternal value. And she has continued in that resolve. Her understanding of the gospel is mature and deeply rooted on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Her seminary teachers and Sunday school teachers thank me regularly for raising such a daughter. I am quick to remind them that she came this way. Maybe she wasn't born into the wrong century. Maybe she was saved for a time such as this, when the world is so confused about what is right and what is wrong. Maybe this girl, who is guided by her own moral compass, needed to come to this earth right now because so many are faltering and need beacons of light like our dear Sabrina. She will do great things. I know it. And I get a front row seat!
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