Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Favorite Dad

"I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father's equal, and I never loved any other man as much." 
-Hedy Lamarr

This dad is our favorite dad for more reasons than we can count. But we will list just a few.

This dad is our favorite because he has always been so good with his babies. Some dads don't really get involved until their kids can start walking and talking, but this dad has been there for his little ones as well as his older ones. He changed his share of diapers. He got up for night feedings. He rocked and snuggled his babies. 

This dad has always taken his kids on outdoor adventures. He's happiest when he's hiking with his kids. He doesn't have hobbies separate from his children. He includes his children in all the things that he loves.

This dad spends one-on-one time with his kids. He takes them to their favorite restaurants and talks to them about their lives. He takes a genuine interest in each child and never forgets to tell them how much he loves them.

This dad is Mr. Fix-it. He never pays for labor when he can do the labor himself. He has taught himself to do electrical work and duct work. He's taught himself to lay a wood floor and to install ceiling fans. Our children have learned the importance of doing it yourself from their father. 

This dad never turns an eager child away when he wants to help. It has meant more work for this dad, but he continues to welcome the help. These kids have grown up working beside their father.

This dad has coached every one of his children's soccer teams. Some games he has coached and reffed. He's rushed home from work many an evening to coach a practice and woken up early many a Saturday to coach a game.

This dad works hard every day to provide well for his family. He only gets a pittance of his paycheck for his own spending, the rest goes to providing a pleasant life for his children. Much of that money goes to lovely vacations that have brought our family priceless memories.

This dad goes out every December and purchases a live Christmas tree because his wife, and now his children, just couldn't imagine Christmas any other way. He spends the ridiculous amount of money for the tree, then fights to strap it on top of the van, then wrestles it into the house and strings it with lights every year, so that we can have warm holiday traditions.

This dad adores and respects the mother of his children. His daughters will require respect from their husbands, and his sons will adore their wives because of the daily example of their father.

This dad doesn't miss a performance. Whether he's taking a long lunch during the day or rushing home from a business trip, he will support his kids at all costs.

This dad is never too busy to help with homework. He's come to bed at midnight after helping a child with pre-calculus. The kids know they can always ask dad for help.

This dad honors and magnifies his priesthood. He humbly presides in his home. He has an unwavering testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ which is perhaps one of the greatest gifts he will give his children. They laugh that dad has a scripture for everything. They may be right. He immerses himself in the scriptures and blesses his children with his knowledge and testimony.

We love this dad of ours. How we got so lucky, I'll never know, but we're grateful. So very grateful.

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