Monday, March 25, 2013

Ten Years Ago Today...

"Children reinvent your world for you." -Susan Sarandon

Ten years ago, this spunky little spirit came into this world. Ten years ago this very moment, I lay on the couch watching the War in Iraq play out on CNN wondering whether this was labor I had been experiencing since 2:00 a.m. This was my fourth baby for heavens sake. I had experienced nearly every form of child birth, surely I would recognize labor when I saw it.

What I didn't realize is that this child would keep me guessing from that point on. He would test every tried and true parenting practice I know. He would test my patience to the very limits. He would leave me wondering, "This is my fourth child, surely I should have things figured out by now. Why on earth does nothing work on this child?"

I had finally had enough on that day, ten years ago. I called Neil at work and told him to come home because we were going to have this baby. He and I walked the neighborhood for an hour. I insisted on pushing the double stroller carrying our two toddlers, in hopes that any extra exertion might coax this baby out of my belly. By 2:30 I was experiencing "on the floor on your hands and knees" contractions. Two and a half hours later little Jonah decided that he was ready to come into this world. He made sure to give me a sleepless night and an entire day of discomfort before finally deciding to make his grand entrance.

This was indeed a foreshadowing of what life would be like with this new little spirit that had joined our family. He is as stubborn as they come. When I am at my whits end and must turn to deep thought, study, and prayer to come up with something that will get this child to respond, he finally decides, "O.k. I suppose that that makes sense to me. I guess I'll comply." And then he cooperates, just like that afternoon ten years ago when he decided to come into the world, in his own due time, exactly when he intended to, after much prodding on my part. Just as I was completely exhausted after a long ordeal that day ten years ago, Mr. Jonah can leave me exhausted after a long day of coaxing, prodding, threatening, begging, and pleading. 

But just like that day ten years ago, when they handed me that precious baby boy, and I quickly forgot all of the time and energy it took to get him here...I look at that sweet little boy, and I forget all of the time and energy it is taking to raise him, and I just thank the Lord for this amazing spirit that I have stewardship over.

He is just a mature spirit trapped in a young body. Sometimes when I am so frustrated trying to get Jonah to cooperate, I look into his eyes, and I can almost hear his little spirit speaking to me. It says something like this, "Dear Mother, do you not realize that I commanded legions in the war in heaven? Your meager parenting tactics will not work on me."

His spirit may be more mature than mine. I may be in over my head trying to raise this one, but I will continue to do my best. For you see, if he truly is as noble a spirit as I think he is, then he must be destined for greatness, and I will do all that I can to help him reach that greatness. Because I love him so much, and I so want this little boy to become the great man God intends for him to be.      

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