Wednesday, October 15, 2014


"A grandparent's house is where cousins become best friends." 

I got hit with a yucky virus this week. It never fails. My house was all clean after the weekend, so I vowed that I would do nothing but scrapbook the whole three days before fall break. Instead, I've spent the week confined to my sick bed. When I get a virus, it is usually accompanied by a cold sore the size of Milwaukee. Now I haven't actually been to Milwaukee, but if it is anywhere near the size of this growth protruding from my top lip, then it must be one gigantic city. Rather than troubling the outside world with my Quasimodo face or my icky virus, I'm hunkering down here in what was once my clean house. 

But I am remembering a fun weekend. I have fond memories of Sunday nights at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Those carefree evenings playing No Bears Are Out Tonight or doing death jumps off Grandpa's back deck with my cousins were good times. 

It thrills me that our kids are just as close to their cousins. Sunday night at Mor Mor's house is where this little band of buddies forge their friendships. But currently Mor Mor's house is under renovation, so we invited everyone over to our house for root beer floats and Sunday visits this week. There was a hum about the house, a happy hum. At times the hum transformed into a roar as the boys engaged in imaginary battles. As the declaration of, "ROOT BEER FLOATS ARE READY!" rang through the house, little bodies emerged from separate corners of the home and convened at this table where I was able to capture this priceless photo of them and all their cuteness in its regular Sunday night splendor. These Sunday nights at Mor Mor's house will make up the very fibers of their young lives and will hopefully be the nurturing grounds for lifelong friendships.

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