"The camera makes you forget you're there. It's not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much."
-Annie Leibovitz
This will have to be a quick post. I have a lot to do today. Their is a much anticipated baby shower coming up, and it will be at the home of your's truly, that is if I can get it together and make it look like civilized people live within these walls. Well, I'm definitely not a type A personality. Which is the least productive of the personalities? Is there such thing as a type Z personality? I think I'm a type Z personality.
Type Z personalities shouldn't keep putting things on their plates like I do. The newest item on my plate is play rehearsals for Spence and Sabrina. They auditioned to be in the Christmas Carol production at the local playhouse and both made it! I am thrilled for both of them but especially for Sabrina. She has got the most beautiful singing voice and is just overflowing with personality, but has yet to make it into any kind of musical. This would not be nearly so frustrating except for the fact that her brother makes it into every musical because he's a boy... who can sing, dance, and act. Such a combination is so rare, especially among young adolescents, that every director he comes across kisses his feet and blesses his name before casting him as a lead. Poor Sabrina seems to get lost in the absolute plethora of budding female performers.
So I am thrilled that they both get this opportunity, especially because Dickens' beloved classic is such a part of Christmas for our family. I'm back to living in my van, but can't wait to hear their stories of the theater life and can't wait to watch them perform.
But I digress. My Favorite Things. One of my most favorite things is my camera. I received my first camera on my twelfth birthday and have basically always had one on my person since then. I have a deep desire to document life both in words and in images. I have always appreciated a beautiful photograph. I knew when I liked a picture but could never quite pinpoint why, so I began to study a little photography. I learned about composition and lighting. Soon a good photograph became intentional where as before it had mostly been accidental. During the peak of my photographic education, I began to do photos for other people for pay. It was not long before I realized that this was an industry that was taking off. Every stay-at-home mom with a decent camera was becoming a photographer. I had neither the time nor the desire to compete.
These days I just like to take a good picture of those closest to me. And sometimes take a mediocre picture of those closest to me. And sometimes even take a crappy picture of the ones I love. I don't ever regret the photos I take of this beautiful family of mine. I love capturing fleeting moments that I can never get back again. It's almost like I get that moment back as I look at the photographs. As time passes steadily, the photos become more precious.
This Canon goes with me everywhere. He's heavy, but he takes good pictures, especially in low light. I just can't get myself to follow that trend of documenting all of my life through my smartphone. Me and my Canon just make too good of a team, and I can't imagine seeing life any other way than through his lens.
I love this post Steph. I feel the same way about the "business" side of photography. No time for that in my life either. Although, I do have to admit that I have gotten quite cozy with my iPhone this year. Still, there is nothing like a still shot from a good ol' camera. I love that you're a fellow shutterbug!